About Us

Welcome to West Oaks F.I.

West Oaks F.I.P.S., 1050 Plantation Road, London, Ontario  N6H 2Y5 Tel: 519-452-8650

West Oaks French Immersion Public School’s mission is to ensure that "we build each student’s tomorrow, every day".

Within a bilingual learning environment, the staff at West Oaks is dedicated in inspiring innovation, embracing diversity and celebrating achievement. The staff build a strong foundation for the students by developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they can become self-directed, critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and responsible citizens.

Our parents, guardians, and community are valued partners and their engagement is an equally important part of the success of our students and school. There are many opportunities for parents to connect with the school by being active members of our School Council, Home and School as well as by volunteering with class field trips, hot lunches and other classroom activities. Everything that parents do on behalf of our school is appreciated and valued.

West Oaks encourages and values input from staff, students and parents. Our school, a Tribes community, is committed to nurturing an inclusive environment that is safe and healthy and one that promotes student well-being and positive behaviour.

West Oaks is a community of learners that strives towards providing the best possible education for our students. Our staff encourages our students to focus on excellence in all areas of academics, arts, athletics and character development. Join us to celebrate our Lion's success through attending our assemblies, concerts and by stopping by to see the student work and achievements showcased in our hallways.

Bienvenue, our doors always are open!

Principal of West Oaks French Immersion Public School




